1969 CE: Landing on the Earth's Moon
2025: Moonbase, Mars
2048: the "Binary Millennium", failure of the Singularity
2100: Experiments with Bussard-ramscoop fusion
2500: Settlement of Bharat system, contact with the Betas and others. Great Concordat establishes the Federation of Worlds, with seventeen initial member worlds
2550: Emergence of Makebism as a powerful religion with the conversion of the Mahavedda council. From Wandjina, probe launched to Geminga remnant.
2600: Assembly of Vizcaino at Mahabodhi Cluster
2750: Settlement of Calafia System by the Vizcaino fleet. Light terraforming in Wells, equator of Rosasharn.
2766: Birth of Daniel Nguyen aboard habitat Virginia Gerstenfeld in Anson system
2800: Federation of Worlds builds antimatter plant at Esplendian's L1 point. Makebists virtually control Greggswell, and much else of Amadis.
3214: Raj Murrukarram born in Ragashastra Town, near Kabir College of Nalanda University.
3226: Raj makes a mountain climb
A Ramscoop in flight: