King of the Judeans?

Mar 28, 2007 16:55

I didn't know that Kipling's "The White Seal":

was an allegory for the Zionist movement and that Kotick is (apparently) Herzl. (I think.)
It remains, with "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", my favorite of the Jungle Book stories. I loved SM Stirling because he was, is, a Kiplingesque SF writer. The opening of Peshawar Lancers is Kipling's "Grand Trunk Road" as SF.


I get so used to saying "Judean" instead of "Jew" in my Ancient class that I say it when referring to Jews, even though The West Bank/Judea and Samaria are Palestinian turf now. A student asked what role the Judeans/Hebrews played in Persia's army and I speculated. I don't know; I'm not sure that anyone does. Were they merchant quartermasters? Light infantry? Scribe corps? It could have been any one of a number of things.

Well. If anyone cares, I might come to Richmond April 6-9 or so. Mom is having an operation on her knee and I might visit her.


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