Football and Nachoes

Dec 21, 2003 18:51

I'm heartily enjoying this being home business. Favourites so far include good times and beers with the boys and eating food thats not equality-brand mini pizzas.

Today was spent revisiting an old friend named football. Considering school is stupid and robs me of all my Sundays which SHOULD be spent entirely watching non-stop NFL, today and yesterday have been pretty awesome. I've watched pretty much every game while smacking numerous bowls of homemade beef stew, so good. Throw in a nail-biter leafs win and pizza courtesy Mr and Ms. B Diddy and thats some good livin'.

The only snag has been today when I ran out of stew and asked my mom for something in the cookies/potato chips department. Problem is Mom didnt buy any food like that because they are 'high-calorie, high-trans-fat'.

I see this becoming a problem because as you know my stance is thoroughly pro-calories and pro-fats, especially the trans- variety. Anyways I quickly recovered by finding some nachoes and making up for the lack of salsa by rounding up a selection of substitute-sauces. If you ever find yourself in this dilemma know that classico tomato and Diane BBQ sauce are fantastic, mustard is ok and relish is weak at best.

Tonight is scheduled as a viewing of Pirates of the Caribbean. Im pretty pumped because I heard it's good and Im finally going to know what the hell is up with all this 'Savez vous? Im Captain Jack Sparrow!' crap. First things first is watching the end of this wicked 49ers - Eagles matchup. Last thing I want to send a big shout out to my brotha from a different motha, Scott Rate. Congratulations on becoming a man big guy!!!
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