Somewhat interesting rambly stuff

Apr 03, 2009 04:27

Huh. Why is it the day I decide to give LJ a poke it's acting all crappy like? I was going to say it was acting like a whore, but it's opposite of whore-like isn't it? It's not putting out! I want my money back!

Anyway, um. Posting just to post. And to say I really need to force myself to get back to my ever piling comments. Is it normal to have a fear of comments?? Must slap self and get over it.

Am also working on another vid, a John/Elizabeth vid to be exact. I wanted it to be epic since the show kinda fell short in that area for them. Sad, really. While I am halfway to epic, it's hitting some snags. It's weird for me not to pop out a vid as soon as I have the idea, but I'm figuring 'epic' needs more time than just a two day manic hash. Yeah, this is totally interesting.

I'm also addicted to The Biggest Loser! I'm rooting for Tara all the way, or any of Jillian's team really, as long as crybaby Bob doesn't get his way. Filipe is a crazy asshole to the highest power and I love me some Sione and wish he'd get his own brain and stop letting crazy Filipe call all the shots. Yes, I'm rambling. These aren't spoilers, right? Bite me.

Am also biting my nails a bit concerning the next few House episodes. Say it ain't so! But I am also happy! Cause a certain somebody might actually have more lines in the future! Hurrah! Aaannd that's probably all I'm allowed to say before I'm unhappily forced to use a LJ cut. Dammit, I will say this though:

Did a tarot reading to try and peer into the future of certain characters and the only people who got 'bad' cards were Wilson and Chase. So I dunno. Wilson got The World card which is what I personally take as a death card so .. I dunno. Then I did a one card reading for each character and 13 ended up getting the Death card at the end hahaha. Nah, I like 13. It's Foreman the boring piece of crap that I don't like. Go away and get a job you actually like already. BE USEFUL.

So my results are.. inconclusive. People keep saying it's either Taub or Kutner who axe themselves but my cards keep saying Wilson! Maybe Wilson just has a really bad.. season. I guess we'll see! Maybe that's how Chase gets more face time in season six, he becomes House's new BFF! Right. -_-

Okay, tired. Will post again soonish. About.. stuff.
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