My thoughts on
This was the funniest SGA ep I've seen in awhile. I was laughing the whole way though. Rodney was a friggin' riot I tells ya. And even though I haven't mentioned The Queen, Rodney's been getting some hot moves since then. I love that he's getting somewhat better at the whole shooting and protecting himself thing, but is still silly Rodney with his shrieking and general flailing. Don't change Rodney! I guess I can forgive you for being a bitch to your team in The Shrine.
Rodney being my favorite thing about the ep, I think Ronon was my least favorite. Just because I love the character so much and ever since The Seed/Broken Ties he's been so out of whack and it's probably partly because of that STUPID ASS WIG. And because of damn Broken Ties, Ronon has pretty much reverted back to his stoic grunty self and who knows what kind of mental/emotional trauma lingers from that damn ep. He just looks so.. terrible. Exhausted. Worn out. Wilty. Can he have a spa day maybe? Somebody? Anybody? Blar.
The Ronon/Rodney stuff was hilarious. Ronon is just being.. cranky Ronon and Rodney attempting to be friends. Ronon was rude as hell to Rodney, but I still thought it was sweet that Rodney was trying to be friends with him. Sure, bad timing, but at least he was goddamn TRYING, RONON. DAMMIT RONON, Rodney was trying to help the best he could, cause he knew he was out of his league and all you did was bitch and be grumpy as all get out. Good going. It wasn't like it was Rodney's fault she got kidnapped. :p
Rodney: We're kinda screwed aren't we?
Ronon: Yep.
Um, what else? Oh, Keller. Blah. I tolerated her in this ep quite well, because she didn't do anything particularly annoying and was actually quite useful! Minor eye roll-y moments include:
- Ronon calling out for Jennifer. REPEATEDLY. I NEARLY PUKED. Not Keller's fault at all but yuck. Please stop. Calling her 'doc' was much more fun. Oddly, I have no problems with Rodney calling her that. Probably because he actually called her that before.
- Keller basically blaming Kyirk for having a whole village destroyed by his presence. Um, OH NO YOU DI'N'T BIATCH. I mean, yeah he was an asshole to you in the beginning but come on, show some class Keller. That was low. In no way did he do that on PURPOSE. Might as well go blame Ronon too while you're at it. I'm sure he'll take it well. Maybe he'll cap you one for good measure.
- Kung Fu Keller. Um. Wot? Teyla herself goes toe to toe with a Wraith and gets her ass kicked and suddenly Keller can fend one off with a puny little stick? Right. Top sekrit stick fighting lessons from Ronon, you has it. Oh, fandom, you called it didn't you?
- "Make him stop!!1" Ahahaha. More funny than annoying. Yeah, Keller, Rodney Mckay is going to stop two beefy killing machines with his bare hands. He might as well just stab himself in the face now and get it over with.
Other than that, not much of an issue. Much improvement over the Shrine where I just wanted to stab her repeatedly and throw her into a volcano. Can someone actually be.. *gasp* writing her decently? Only time will tell.
As for the supposed triangle of doom.. I have no idea. Apparently Rodney thinks he's shit out of luck there, but obviously there's something else going on. I think that ending hinted at Ronon not being too serious about it. I think he was just messing with Rodney when he smirked the way he did. It seemed to me that he just wanted to save Keller because he. is. crazy:
Geez, Ronon, get a grip. Oh, wait, you can't because you GOT ALL FUCKED UP IN BROKEN TIES. MY BAD.
I felt bad for Ronon at the end when he watched the other Runner disappear. I was like "Aww, you lost out on a potential buddy who might actually understand what you went through." Bastards.
Anyways, now onto one of my favorite bits. John being a jealous lil hor. Oh, how I love you John Sheppard.
Rodney: *preens* Gobbly gobbly gook blah blah *practices medical jargon*
John: *suddenly appears in reflection, using a low somewhat suspicious voice* So, I herd u liek mudkips.
Rodney: Um, what?
John: I mean, I heard you're going off world. With Keller.
Rodney: Um.. sure.
Love this shot beyond words. I'm sure there's some metaphoric explanation somewhere but it's 4am and I can't think!
John: Not that I think it's weird or anything but. You're going off world. With Keller.
Rodney: Um. Yeah?
"Huh. I guess I'll see you LATER then."
And thus Rodney spent the rest of his days on the couch. At least until John felt like snuggling up to him again. Which was probably the next day after John had him forcibly removed from the infirmary. The end.
In other news, am massively behind on any and all comments, emails, and general responses. Will get to them when I'm not so avoid-y and weird. >.>