You'll never guess what happens in the last five minutes!

Aug 23, 2008 03:32

Well, now that I don't want to kill anyone, here are my fragmented thoughts (with pics yay) on The Shrine:

I thought it was a pretty good episode, I can see why it was the most talked about of the season. But for some reason, Mckay just does not hit any emotional buttons for me at all. I mean, Rodney's always almost dying in his eps and suddenly gets all sincere and death bed-y, and John always freaks out. Gotta love when Rodney came running to John's room though, I thought I could hear all the McSheppers squealing in unison on that one. It was a really nice moment for John, and he like, actually touched Rodney and stuff, which was great. Usually he kinda just makes icky faces and skitters away so yay, good job John.

Don't worry John! Your Rawdnee with be fine! I is srs!

Some 'moments' between the two. Got rid of the stupid SciFi logo when I could...

Urg. Ronon's wig. Gawd, someone kill it please. I can't believe they didn't let him get rid of it considering they goddamn canceled Atlantis anyway so who fucking cares when it comes to his 'image'? Stupid SciFi. Blah.


Um, what else? Keller was annoying as usual. Teyla was oddly.. useless. Can't wait 'til someone bitches about how Sheppard helped her up on that rock after Rodney. SEXIST. DISABLIST!! Also loved how Jeannie laid the smack down on Keller with the next of kin thing. Yeah, Keller, in the end, it's NOT your lovesick decision that matters so stfu.

Love that. Now all Ronon has to do is carry Sheppard like that and I'm all set.


Also oddly cute. Aw, I wanna poke him in the face. *poke*

All in all the ep was great, but the ending was freakin' terrible. I mean, the show started off great with Rodney yelling for John, which killed me, and everything inbetween was great. But that ending? With creepy Keller watching a slowly deteriorating Rodney Mckay say I love you over and over? Yeah, that's.. romantic. *barf*

Anyway, enough bitching. Here's a scene that I loved, wherein Jason gets in Joe's face for his line and makes him smile. Cuteness. :)

kill me now, sga

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