(no subject)

May 29, 2005 10:21

so i dont know why i have such a hard time updating more often, ill work on that :)

so lets back track, prom was amazing. i had so much it was unbelieveable. Me and alex were definitely the cutest ones there, duh. hummer limo was so cool, it was just an unforgetable night, thanks to all of you that made it way.....especially one certain person ;)

softball basically sucks, trying out for the time in the first place was obviiously the worst choice i could have possibly made. the season has been hell, the coaches are assholes, and i could be doing much fun things, like poking my self in the eye. you know its bad when youre a senior and they take you out to put a freshman in, especially when you dont make errors and you know how to hit the ball....ok im done now

so i have one more week of high school and lets face it, im not ready to graduate. as much as high school sucks sometimes, the good times definitely weigh out the bad times. like the other day i heard the band playing the fight song, and i realized that the next time i ever hear that song, i wont be at high school. ill be a college student and i just cant get excited about going to college, i try really hard but i can't

yesterday went to alex's baseball games. like ive said before i love going to his games, and im glad this summer i can be around to see him...hehe. last night went to heritage days with kristin, it was a lot of fun actually. all we did was make fun of people, it was great. like the 8th graders who think they are the coolest things in the world, sadly i remember those days.lol.

thats all i got for now
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