By Friday, the hotel and kennel reservations had been made, Saturday and Sunday passes had been ordered (and were waiting), and I had found out I was going back to working full-time.
Yes, it was time to go to a convention.
First things first - the haul:
- Souleater figures - Dr. Stein (with Death) and Maka (with Soul). Both are way cool - I will get pics when I get them put together.
- Darker than Black Volumes 2 (finally!) and 3 (early!)
- "The Eternals" by Neil Gaiman at a ridiculously low price for a hardback. (this is a comic book con, too)
- FLCL OST No. 3 (yes, I know. I'm weak.)
- Playing card sets - FMA, Bleach, FLCL, and two Cowboy Bebops (He went a little crazy...)
No Fullmetal purchases this time (except for the card set) - really wasn't much out. Almost like the dealers are waiting...
Second - the fun stuff:
- Found out at Saturday's "How Many FMA VAs Can You Have at One Time" panel (ours had four) that Aaron Dismuke is now taller than Vic. And has his voice changed.
- I FINALLY GOT TO SEE "FULLMETAL FANTASY"!!!!!!!! On a big screen! In a very, very packed room. (Vic's got sort-of permission to show it at cons again. Yeah!!)
- Someone made me lose a bet by cosplaying the "Sexy Jujitsu" from Naruto. Sorry, no pic.
- I held a copy of the FMA Material Side book in my hands. And put it back. *sigh* Those pencil drawings were soooo sweet.
- And James Callis from Battlestar Galactica looks the same in person as he does on TV. And his line was the only one longer than Vic's.
We do have some pics from the panel - He got a truly awesome side shot of all four that were there that I am totally going to steal appropriate at some point.
This may be my only con this year, if I can't finagle a way to ACEN in May (I can get a room - it's the getting there that's an issue). We really aren't planning on going to our local one this year...last summers was an absolute mess (for reasons I will not get into here). *sigh*
'course, there's always that 2-day con in Orlando during the summer...