.Where is my mind.

Feb 19, 2007 17:11

Good song. I found it a fitting subject:

It seriously warps my mind when I start thinking too deeply and intensely about life, the world, society, truths, religion etc. ... don't get me wrong, I fucking love it but then I think, "should I even be doing this?" why try to figure out other people and other things besides my own personal issues? ( I don't like that sentance- inpropper?- but I'll go with it.) Then again if I work on figuring out these complex things (ahh, wait everything is complex... yes?) anyways... if you are following delving into "these complec things" may help me figure out my own existance or my own habits? ORRR, do I create my own reality?... no. but I live in our 'reality' and I strive to be unique and composed as much as possible. I can make just about anything relative and EVERYTHING can be (made) fluid. What the fuck. This is too much... look at my thoughts, they are all over the place. It has been too long since I have thought like this and I am rusty. I'm going to stop for now, maybe I will come back to it.

In my world, I am number one and so for the most part I have been sticking to self reflection, not as mind numbing but I do enjoy it.

I left this as a comment earlier to a new "friends" blog, it is what got me to write this blog...
-Hopefully it can make sence without knowing what it was in response to.-

"Saying that the only absolute truth is that you exist as who you are to yourself makes sense to me a slightly choppy thought however. Arguing by using the example 'yes A=A but what is A to begin with?' generalizes all people and the first statement made by whoever. Yes, truth is very relative and fluid but what I think this person was saying is that you can create an absolute truth within your own mind. If in your mind something is absolute who is to say you are wrong? If you truely believe something right or wrong it can be a personal absolute truth and if you are strong enough minded to make a reality of that belief someone being able to shake that with an argument shouldn't be possible ... especially when all the truth is is believing in your own existance. I honestly think I went off on somewhat of a tangent from where I wanted to go but eh, things went where they went and I think I am done now. It's been awhile since I have talked about anything so deep other then just my own personal thoughts. Good times."

oh and P.S.
I want to go hiking. Next sunny free day I am totally doing it.
& because myspace wasn't letting me post my blog I have added one last thought-
Snow, I thought that maybe, just maybe it was going to start warming up and stay progressing towards summer... nope, as my mom says- it always snows again in March. I love the snow. I love it a lot but I was so ready for the sunshine. Now I have to get back into the "cold snow fun mood" as I am just going to name it. I am sleepy. Stupid weather playing with my emotions.

Also read my last bulletin, it makes me laugh and shake my head at the same time. Sweet.
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