Jul 11, 2005 22:22
So I had a fantabulous weekend...
I went to Sasha's Birthday party, and on a dare, had to switch clothes with Amy.. It was funny to show everyone that I was wearing her bra, however the highlight was definately walking down Essex St, eating marshmallowsm, while wearing Sasha's dress, her black feather hat, and a blond wig(pulled out of a box.... er trunk)
After a random trip to Denny's, with honymooners, it was back to the AMAYZING AMY'S house for a lovely evening of playing Parcheesi........
So Sunday was great too! Sleeping in.. Sleeping in my car on Cabot St, Lois lending me 1001 white women, Air Drumming, and Taco Salads..... Alas the stuff dreams are made of....
Sleepy today.. and Ham Salad... MMMM lots of ham salad....
Oh and it looks like Roy found my long lost CDs.. Until recently thought to be stolen...
Tired... Hot.... Thirsty.....BRAINS!