Feb 15, 2007 21:27
My Mom gave me a new cd for Valentine's Day, The Classic Crime: Albatross. I've been listening to it literally all day (I took the cd to work, and I played it in my car). I'm a fan. Really good, and I really like it. It shall keep me more than satisfied until I get my new stuff from RK and Anberlin.
It's been a long short week.
I'm getting my hair cut again next week.
I hope it turns out as cute on me as it looks on the model in the photograph.
What to say without sounding lame or conceited?
No idea.
I pretty much hate my communications class. It's like group therapy and rediculous. It's funny because really, my psychology class is very similar with the whole people in class thinking they're in therapy thing, but in that class the teacher actually lectures and it's less group discussion, and in my comm. class I don't have Kyle and Ashleigh with me to help keep a running commentary on the lecture, classmates, and life in general. I really do enjoy my psychology class.
My other classes are good.
I've been working on this scholarship all week. It's rough. I don't really think I'll get it. But, I might as well try, right? I found another one today that I'm going to apply for as well. Thankfully it's not due until April. But I'm sure that will sneek right up on me.
Tomorrow is Chris Moropoulos birthday. I got him Gullivers Travels. It seems just like yesterday he was giving me Phantom of the Opera, and that was eight and a half months ago. Wow.
I have to go into Anchorage tomorrow. Really huge favor to Rachael and Mrs. Ratzlaff. But oh well, I don't really mind. Maybe I can get someone to go with me.
"set your mind to cruise control"
I forsee a lot of introspection to come from this album. Yep, I do.
My Mom also gave me a clipping about a writing contest I'm eligible to enter. I'm thinking about entering the 'blog' and 'poetry' sections, although besides my Mona Lisa poem I wrote Junior Year I'm not really sure what I would enter there. We'll see. It has the potential to be pretty good. and I might as well enter. I mean, I'm not going to lose anything if I don't win, right?
I guess I'll go finish the things I need to finish now.
Kristina, out.