Jul 02, 2006 15:13
I feel like rambling.
I don't have anything in particular to say
Well, I might. But I don't know it yet.
I accidentally killed my iTunes sometime this past week. It was tragic. Well, not really killed, but, yeah.
My Mom found this article in the paper that told how I could take my music off my iPod onto my PC, so I tried it. And I thought I'd gotten all my music onto my laptop. So I made my new iTunes update automatically with my iPod instead of from the old computer.
But apparently not all the music had actually downloaded like it said. So it deleted like, more than half the songs off my iPod. And they're not in my iTunes either. So I have to reupload all of my music, and all the music I've borrowed. And I think I've lost a couple of songs. Because somehow they got deleted off the old computer and they're not in my new iTunes or on my iPod anymore. It really kinda sucks. And I have to reborrow a lot of music from people. It's a cleansing process I guess.
I've been reading kind of a bit lately. I finished Phantom of the Opera, and also My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult, and now I'm reading this book called Blue Like Jazz. I'm about halfway through, it's really interesting. I like it a lot.
I'm going to be housesitting starting tomorrow until the 18th, and I don't know how much internet acess I'm going to have, so I plan on reading a lot of books, and watching quite a few movies that I have kind of been in the mood to watch but haven't got around to doing yet. Plus I am going to go through all the movies the family owns that I haven't seen yet.
It'll be kind of like, a taste of what living on my own will be like. I hope. It should be interesting. I have seven books I plan on reading for sure, and a whole bunch of back up books for once I finish those.
Sometimes, I feel like I don't belong in the only two places I ever really thought I did.
I have not talked to Dan in like, two weeks. Can you tell? I can.
We're writing a Cold War rap though, it's almost done I think.
Our church wasn't supposed to have a building this month, so even though it is available to us again, we're not using it, and instead meeting in small groups in homes and larger ones at the park. It's going to be interesting. The park is supposed to be more of a way for us to partner with our community and show random people Gods love. You know, like, what we're supposed to be doing. It's kind of nerve-wracking because you don't really know what to expect or how to take it. We have to be there at four because our small group is helping run it today, and then it'll start at 5:30, go til 8, and then take down til maybe 8:30. Unfortunately, it kind of looks like rain.
The small groups went well though. We kind of have never really done that with this church before, and it kinda ruins our being able to go to church without really getting to know people thing. But that's okay. I mean, it's kind of nerve-wrackign now, but I was sick of going to church every week and having gone for years and not really having any friends. Besides, we already made it through this morning and it was okay.
It was like a Bible Study for families. I am kind of disappointed in myself because I didn't really speak up or anything. But at the same time I'm really not used to getting to know God as a family. Which is, incredibly sad, but, it's just not something we've done as much as we should have.
I'm used to God from camp and youth group and listening to the sermon on my own where I can quitely reflect and then write about it later and apply it myself. I guess this provided more of an acountability or something? I don't know, I already have a Bible Study, but this was like, the same, but different. Yeah.
Now we have to be personal. That's it.
Well anyway. We have to leave soon and I think I am going to read a little bit more before, so, over and out. :)