May 15, 2006 14:45
Random note, I'm collecting address. If anyone feels the need to give me their address, please feel free to do so.
I may or may not ever send anything to it, but at least I'd have it if I ever wanted to.
You know how if you actually pay attention to people you can tell how they're feeling by watching their eyes?
I don't think very many people actually do that, look at peoples eyes.
It's a cultural thing I guess, I mean, most people can't maintain eye contact for longer than like three seconds. But people don't much ever look at eachother directly anyway.
I probably couldn't name most of my friends colors of eyes.
Just a thought.
Yesterday at church one of the Pastors wives gave the message, and it was about living as Christians through your family, kind of. How just you have to be Christ like in your actions to everyone you meet, including your parents/kids/husband/wife/etc. I don't know, in some ways it really hit me that if you want to see change in the way things work you have to initiate it yourself.
Another thing I was thinking about. Do you ever realize how amazing it must have been to be with or around Jesus when He lived on earth? I mean, He was radical and I can hardly even fathom meeting someone who had such a profound affect on me that not only changed my life but would make me want to change my life. I guess I just tend to be cynical but I don't think I could ever meet someone who would make me want to change so much unless it was like, love. But then that's what Jesus is isn't it? Love. Yeah. Love is pretty much what it's all about. Showing Christ's love to others. That's how we've got to win 'em for God, because honestly that whole "you felt empty, and then you realized you needed Jesus" thing is kinda lame. I mean, I'm sure, I know it's true, and it must work sometimes, but I think loving on people has got to be a much more effective way of initiating change.