Wondercon was utterly amazing. It just gets better and better every year, especially since we now have entire groups that match. I cannot express how much I love my friends. The experiences are made possible through THEM (I sound like a commercial). I know I'm going to be so incredibly sad when the diaspora inevitably occurs, but god, these memories I'm going to ~cherish~ forever. *~*~♥sparklieeeees~*~*♥
Seriously though, life just doesn't get any better than this. I love you guys.
+ Meeting Mark Hamill on Friday and listening to him chatter maniacally about Canada and pot and Avatar
+ Prior to meeting Mark Hamill, he saw us standing in line and motioned for others to move so he could get a good look at me and Anna
+ Confusing Jim Lee by asking him to sign my katana, which he did!
+ Meeting Adam West on Saturday, who said "Catwomaaan!" in THAT tone of voice exactly.
+ Group shots from Bui Photography are epic glory
+ Taking off Anna's Canary eyelashes with my whip! I didn't notice her behind me as I cracked it at an Indiana Jones, and all of the sudden she's clutching her face and the onlookers are horrified, thinking I took out her eye! Turns out I just popped her right on the eyelashes, enough to sting a little but nothing else. PHEW. And then...AWESOME.
+ Playing hooky from Sunday dogwork and sneaking off to the con with my Batgirl for fanboy-pleasing ♥
Memorable Quotes:
+ "Would you ladies mind if I put my arm around you?" - A 501st Darth Vader, said in that deep scary voice and with the *hoo...hooo..hooo* breathing going on all the while
+ "The Canadians don't care if you smoke some pot...you know, if you're into that kind of thing." - Mark Hamill
+ "All right, now turn around." - Cosplay.com photographer EurobeatKing, to me while doing the Psylocke shoot
+ "That's what happens when you don't eat your vegetables." - A mother to her little boy on the streets of Berkeley, upon seeing Tyler in full Joker makeup
+ "Don't run into Catwoman, honey. You're not old enough to appreciate what that means." - A mother to her 8-or-so year old son at the convention, who had turned around and nearly faceplanted into my -ahem- enhanced chest
+ "Who knew the Joker was so good with kids?" - One dad to another, while Tyler played with their children
+ "Okay, now put your boobs together. I can say this because I'm a photographer." - EurobeatKing again, to me and Batgirl...LOL ♥ that guy
+ "Oh wow, look at this! Wow..." - A guy making a video, upon seeing me and Anna all up-ons each other as Batgirl and Catwoman