The camera phone is one of the best inventions ever.
I went to the Boston Aquarium with Brock earlier this month. They had a really cool tank in the middle, similar to the huge Outer Bay exhibit at Monterey, and it happened to be feeding time. The big green sea turtle (Myrtle), would not leave the diver alone while he tried to feed the sharks with dead fish on a stick.
A handsome man brooding by the jellyfish tank.
The Harvard Natural History Museum had lots of taxidermied animals. Don't know why he showed a particular degree of interest in the bat display...
Justin is being happily mobbed by dogs at the farmers market.
Why Rob, you seem to have a rat infestation in your jacket!
This is Zephyr. Zephyr is old. You can tell by the way he sits. Sit, Zephyr, sit!
The back of the new '09 Honda Fit. I'm getting one of these at some point. It's MUCH cuter than the earlier models.
My hair's been growing out and therefore getting harder to style. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately), I always discover new ways to play with my hair after I go to the gym, because a combination of sweat, hair putty, and brushing my hair out of my eyes as I exercise somehow yields neat results.
Oh, and this made me happy.