Nov 23, 2008 09:35
I have a problem with lost friendships. Not the ones that we grew apart or there was a big fight that ended it or whatever. But the friendships that we just lost track of each other and there's no going back. The ones that a few phone changes or a crappy untrusting girlfriend or moving away to school put us out of touch and there's no way to get back to it. Those are the ones that haunt me. Those are the ones that the song comes on the radio and I start thinking. That I find an old picture and smile. Those are the ones that I wonder what they would think of my life right now. If they'd be happy with the way Trent treats me or how I'm doing in school. Those are the ones that I wish I could reach back out to, even if it's just once, to make sure that they are living well and happy. Those are the ones that I wish I could send a Christmas card to. Or just see in the Wicked Witch's big crystal ball.
On a less over-contemplative note, I'm excited. I have the vast majority of my Christmas shopping done. I have a few things for my parents that I need to get closer to Christmas, one thing that I belatedly decide to buy for Trent, and an order for my brother that's yet to come in the mail. But otherwise, I just get to have a big wrapping fest and be done. I've even purchased wrapping paper to do it all!
I'm also slowly working my way toward the end of the semester and being prepared for next semester. I finished one of my papers and have had one person edit it for me (I'll get two more next week before turning it in) then I just have a paper proposal due on Wednesday and a final due in 3 weeks. I figured if I'm only down to one paper, I'll be able to research and start writing over the course of the Thanksgiving break and get a whole lot of things out of the way. Once my final is done, I go back to reading for fun, or reading for next semester. I should start buying those books next. I only have one class to buy for but they're expensive books to order.
My next big project is to clean like crazy. Mom and Dad got me a new bed for Christmas and put it up while I was away housesitting. I have boxes and boxes of the things hiding under and around my old bed in the loft and in my room that Mom informed me that she wants picked up so she can rent a power carpet cleaner and wash all the carpets before the holiday seasons. She wanted to do this yesterday but I convinced her to put it off til wednesday when I'll have had two days to get the piles out of the way and gone through. I'm actually looking forward to being done with this because it's a big project that I've been bothered by for a while.
Anyhow, I've got to start my day. I'm off to a horrible start. I had a hard time sleeping so I'm excruciatingly lazy and now late for the day.