Aug 27, 2008 21:11
I'm watching Into the Wild, a movie based on the travels of Christopher McCandless, otherwise known as Alexander Supertramp. The story is an intriguing one, made extremely bland in a documentary style book written by Jon Krakauer. I decided to pick up the movie to see if it was closer to the documentary or the Supertramp tale that I was introduced to. While I'm watching, it might be the poetic nature of Alex or the poems that he quotes, but it occurs to me, while he's playing in the ocean, that water in bigger forms is very female. Sometimes calm and beautiful then rushed into an anguish that is devistatingly nasty. Always impregnated with life, sustaining and creating it. It's a crazy thought. Maybe I stole it from somewhere. I don't know. Just something that came to mind.
I'm staying at Joe's house. He and Jessica got married last night. It's my last night here and I'm kind of happy. The dogs are ok enough but are randomly needy. With the meantime, they wander and play and sleep. The one is only partially house-trained and has a corner he poops in like a semi-potty trained has a corner to hide in when he has to go. One threw up. Once in the living room, a couple times bile-heaving in the bed. Apparently not when I was here, I just noticed the markings of it later on. The semi-trained one has peed in the house twice and it smells like he has again but I can only smell it, there's no trace of it. I've tried to leave them outside more so that wouldn't happen but the smell of dog pee has disgusted me and driven me crazy for the past few days. That and the random needless barking. It'll be nice to go home. Also, I've worked at the farm for a few days straight. It'll be nice to go back to the school, even if it's for a few hours before I leave for the farm again. It'll be nice to get paid to sit still, instead of getting paid to be constantly on the go.
All sorts of strange concepts tonight.
In other news, Trent is currently into a show called "MadMen". It's really the first show that he's called early to do goodnights so that he can hang up early enough to watch. The first season has come out on DVD and I happened to get a 40% off coupon from Barnes and Noble bookstores for DVD boxsets. So I asked if he wanted it, he thought it was great. it seemed like too much to make plans to go get them together, so I bought it online and had it shipped to the house. While I was going through them, I found the boxed set of Seasons 1 and 2 of a show he likes called "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". So I purchased that set to send to him as well. He doesn't know about this yet. It'll be a surprise for him. I'm kind of excited for them to come in the mail, see what he thinks. All in all it should make for a good weekend.