Holiday and Vacation and onto the New Year

Jan 03, 2008 11:03

Not only did I graduate, get into my masters program and get a 3.9 GPA for the semester but I 4.0ed 2 of my classes.  Needless to say the condition of earning my bachelors wasn't an issue. :)   and then came the holidays.
 The Holidays were good times. Lots of running around, back and forth to each others families and family activities and friends and other such things.  In between all the festivities, Trent decided we could paint the living room.  So more than $200 in supplies and paint, we painted on the sunday before Christmas and the couple days afterward.  The house looks really nice though.  
Friday we went to a college buddy's wedding in AnnArbor and stayed out there with other friends of his.  It was fun. I like the people who got married but like all weddings when you only really know the bride and groom and not many others, it's difficult to stay long around people you do'nt know or don't know well. So we left relatively early and ended up in Justin's apt with him and Joy playing Clue and Euchre.  We went to bed late, barely slept and got ready early to catch a 8:23 train out of A2.  We actually didn't get delayed at all and shared a great ride out to Chicago, sleeping on each others shoulders and reading and teasing each other over suduko games and other things.  We got into the city, walked around, stopped at the bank and hopped the RedLine to the hotel (see the fancy chi-town lingo?)  They let us check in early so we did and put some things away before going down to a pub 2 blocks over.   We waited there for Micah and Erin and as soon as they got there, the weekend was off and running.  We had food there, went to the Lincoln Park Zoo to see the light exhibits and animals.  We made our way back to the hotel and hung out a bit, the boys went out and us girls went to bed.  The next day was all about relaxing and museuming.  The day after that, NYE, Micah left early and Erin, Trent and I slowly packed up, wandered to visit a friend of his outside of town and then caught the Blue Line back down to Union Station to catch a train to Aurora.  Once we were out there, we napped a bit, went out to a fancy dinner at the KeyWester and returned to change before going out to Fox and Hound to do the New Years thing.  The night started out well enough and turned a little testy but things were fine by the time everyone sobered up the next morning.  We went to the grocery and got enough food to last us the day and spent the day napping and watching football and eating. 
We got up the next morning superearly, packed and were on our way back to MI. The train was delayed and delayed and late.  Then it was a long drive back here.  It wasn't a very vocal day but everything is fine-ish now so that's good I suppose.   Oh and I found out I left my brand new digital camera in Chicago.  That sucks but at least I forgot it at Micah and Erin's so I'll get it back eventually.
Today, now that I'm home and looking at all the things I need to do (and slept in until 10:30), I'm determined to get things done and on the right track for starting the semester right.  Tomorrow is hanging with Karen and possibly seeing a movie and getting books and stuff.  That'll be nice to hang out and have some fun.  But only if I'm productive today!  
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