I'm feeling short and frivolous this morning, so I hope this post matches my mood.
On the drive into work today, the gigglepot radio presenters were chatting about the last time they bawled at a movie - one of the macho presenters admitted to blubbering to 50 First Dates, another to Toy Story 3. Which got me thinking.
I don't cry a lot, especially at movies - I get a lot of lumps in my throat, but I rarely get "squish squish darling, squish squish".
But the one movie that gets me every time is Moulin Rouge. By the end I'm a gibbering wreck, snotty tissues strewn all round the sofa and I'm generally unable to string a sentence together without pointing at the TV and bursting into more tears. Good grief! ;)
What movie gets your waterworks going or have there been any unexpected movie moments when you've surprised yourself by blubbering uncontrollably?