slipping and sliding...And winter driving.
If there is anything that I have learned in my 22 years living in Buffalo, it's that some people DO NOT know how to drive in this weather! This week we may happen to get our first significant snowfall of the year, and it just sucks that its forecasted during holiday travel.
So for those of you who need it, this is what I have learned:
1. Winter driving requires LOTS OF PATIENCE AND PRACTICE.
2. Remove ice and snow from windows, license plates and lights and be sure to clear snow from the hood, roof and trunk. Again, you would be surprised at the idiots that DO NOT do these things.
3. Reduce your speed while driving. Do you need to be reminded that the posted speed limits are for dry, clear conditions only! Again, there could be dusting of snow but I still manage to see a car in the ditch, on a clear road at the first snowfall of the year.
4. My father has always told me to keep my gas tank at least two-thirds full to prevent the vehicle's fuel line from freezing. I'll pass that on to you.
5. Oh and for those of you who have Four-wheel drive: I suggest you don't be overly confident with your vehicle. Here's a Hint: It won't stop any faster than my vehicle.
Oh and I absolutely hate people who tailgate. Is it that hard to leave plenty of space between your car and the vehicle ahead of you?
The biggest thing I have learned is DON'T WORRY about that *&()$$#@ behind you crawling up your ass. You should NOT drive any faster than you feel comfortable with, pull over as soon as possible and let them pass. If you're lucky, you can wave at them as you pass them stuck in a snowdrift half a mile up the road.
And with that I share with you the joys of living in Buffalo, during the winter season.