RELAUNCHED as my spoilers in media journal

May 02, 2012 22:56

I've mostly shifted to expressing my thoughts on Facebook, despite not liking it as much as I like LJ. BUT, Facebook does not have a good way to handle spoilers, so my LJ is REBORN, like a phoenix, as my place for spoilers.

Okay, so here's the thing. Glee doesn't tend to be good at making me care about the arc plots. I like the songs, I like the writing and characters sometimes, but the arcs have not usually caught me up. I didn't care if Finn and Rachel got together, I didn't care if Quinn gets her baby back - and don't care if she ever walks again. The only reason I cared about Mr. Shuster got together with Emma is because I wanted to never, ever, ever, ever see Terri Shuster again.

Two things stand out about last nights episode, one of which is related to the above point.

The unrelated point is that I was really disturbed by the image of Cooter during the Chicago number. I've never been abused, and I still almost had the same reaction as Coach Beiste, and walking out. The plot point as a whole seemed kind of rushed and unplanned, but that scene bothered me to see. I know its realistic for Coach to wind back up with Cooter, but I'm also disappointed in it.

The related point is I found myself actually caring about the arc stories last night. I want to know what Rachel and Puck are going to do now. I think the Rachel thing may be because this has been building for 3 seasons now, so perhaps that's what is kicking in.
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