Apr 08, 2003 18:14
1. Butch it up!
2. Have sex with you male friends and say it was your "exploration stage"
3. Wear Flannel
4. Let everyone believe there is something going on between you and your best girlfriend.
5. Drink manly beer!
6. Fart often and be proud of it!
7. Leave the toilet seat up.
8. Hang up posters of Xena....even though shes your diva bitch, everyone will think you like her tits.
9. Go to the gym to check out men. Everyone will think you are just getting fit.
10. Read Playgirl for the articles.
11. Go to the gay bar because your girlfriend wants to dance.
12. Hang out with a faghag. Its a quick way to bag a fag and keep it under wraps.
13. Pee standing up (come on, I know most queens sit to pee)
14. Glory Holes. Need I say more.
15. Play football. You get to smack other guys on the ass and shower with them.
16. Have a male "roommate".
17. Say you are too busy to date because of work or school. Mothers are good about backing up this claim.
18. Dance badly. Even though your inner diva wants to break free.
19. No makeup!! No matter how tempting it is.
20. Words like fabulous, fabu, splendid, and spectacular are off limits.