Jan 20, 2003 10:01
i want to know what's up with putting erica on the internet! ha..i'm not liking it. okay, a little while ago i modeled a bridesmaid dress for bridesmaids.com. i, being the stupid person that i am, didn't think they were going to put it ont he internet. whatever..dont talk to me. if you wanna see it..which i know you do katie..haha..go to bridesmaids.com then click on dresses and then on wtoo and then scroll down to dress wtoo 957. i had a hell of a lot of makeup on and i look like twenty years older than i really am! its an older picture so my hair's not blonde in it, but whatever. i like the picture..but i don't know..i don't like being on the internet. oh yah..click on the picture if you want to make it larger.
and katie..you can't the wallpaper on ur computer that picture! haha..when justin first saw that that's what he did with it. i was like you're such a dork. whatever.
hope you like the picture. !