***MAJOR Spoiler Alert for the Season finale***
Ok this series finale was so... WTF. It made no sense. Like at all.
The whole gunman shooting selective people was just so... deus ex machina. It's like the Grey's ANatomy writers were like... "Oh. F! Nobody likes the mercy westers. Let's just get rid of them.. but how? OH I KNOW! ..."
And then the Grey's writers probably proceeded to flip through fan fics and found the shooter ones and then just threw the same idea together. It's like....COME ON. I thought the whole concept was kinda lazy if you ask me. Just sayin'
And the fact that NONE of the original cast died...it's just like. Okay. So this is a game changer HOW?
To be honest. When Reed died. I laughed and said "YES" to which my sister responded to by shushing me. It's a shame the shooter couldn't be bothered to take out April. And Charles took his sweet time to die.
Okay. So tacky plot technique aside, I also thought the characters were not very consistent/plausible with who they normally were this finale. Like. Other than Cristina acting her normal hardcore self (props to Yang btw. Totally rockstarred there.) everyone else was just being random.
Like What's with the whole Arizona freaking out thingg? I mean. She literally freaked out and she's normally so calm and collected, it's totally not like her. And BAILEY too. With Arizona, I thought they would proceed to explain why she had the freak out moment "They're only children here" with a lengthy explanation to why she hates kids and that she had some trauma in the past or something. But they didn't.
And Derek didn't die. Which was just blah.
But at least they didn't hurt Calzona, though i must say, the ending was very cute especially the part where they're outside and Arizona and Callie just smile at each other with this look. But even their resolution was quite...fanfic.
Too much hype. Didn't live up to it imo.
But loved the Calzona banter. And the fact that REED literally got headshot. And Yangs superstar skills.
Oh. And this kiss at the end? It was screaming "PROFILE PICTURE" haha. Very nice.
And that look between Callie and Arizona at the end. Where Arizona does this crooked smile. Yeap. Crooked smile ftw.
The video is courtesy of the quickest calzona fan
mkriszti . The crooked smile that I like died over is about 3: 15 into the video...SO CUTE! The way Callie kinda smiles, and Arizona crooked grins. AMAZING =)
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