6.22 Shiny Happy People = Fanfic Heaven

May 13, 2010 23:34

Ok This episode's Calzona amount was teeny to none.**spoiler alert***

But can I just say that the elevator make-out scene? I think half the fanfic writers for Calzona totally did a fist pump in the air hahaa
The whole Callie saying "Arizona?" and then Arizona pushing her against the elevator and making out?


I think myself and a bijillion other Calzona fanfickers wrote that EXACT scene in a story at least once.

Grey's Anatomy has taken yet another hopeful step towards Calzona Fanfiction ahah. LOVED IT!

PS. Grey's is apparently throwing some crazy gun guy in the season finale next week? Again..FANFIC MUCH?

Oh. but I gotta say, being someone who wrote that elevator scene in my own Calzona fanfic before...LOVED IT!

It was everything I pictured it to be =)
                                  just sayin'

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