In the past few weeks i've gone from 70 to 77 on my demo lock. (the one you helped out a year ago, thanks). Got cold weather flying right away. I have mixed feelings on that tho. While it's less of a pain to fly, you miss all the little tucked away quests.
Favorite quests so far seems to be the ones where i get to wear costumes. too bad you lose them at the end of the quest and can't use them anywhere but the quest area. I loved /dance with the worg costume and also the quest i got with the murloc costume with the friendly murloc tribe. I want that costume so bad :( i was a giant wharrrgarbl with a white flag. and the murloc /dance is teh bests. /cry
Skeletal gryphon (winged steed of the ebon blade) is 1000g, and you buy him from Dread Commander Thalanor in Archerus: The Ebon Hold. Price i think goes down based on Rep.\\\
Re: cold flying, I hear that the lvl80 dailies in icecrown pretty much require it as well. But yeah, i already got it. Plus shadoweave gets a pretty penny on the AH :)
Also geek moment, i was overly tickled when i got to meet the dragon aspects in dragonblight, esp Ysera for some reason.
so. The real evening went thusly. (repeat my mantra....HAM....HAM)
Went to visit mom. Took mom to grocery. Cooked dinner for me and mom. Helped friend in bad sitch. Home. Try to write. Tequila. /bigshoedance /wharrgarrrbl
Comments 7
Makes the workout easier to do, for sure.
Favorite quests so far seems to be the ones where i get to wear costumes. too bad you lose them at the end of the quest and can't use them anywhere but the quest area. I loved /dance with the worg costume and also the quest i got with the murloc costume with the friendly murloc tribe. I want that costume so bad :( i was a giant wharrrgarbl with a white flag. and the murloc /dance is teh bests. /cry
My hunter Taelia is 80, I liked the cold weather flying, there are actually some later quests you can't get to with out it.
Re: cold flying, I hear that the lvl80 dailies in icecrown pretty much require it as well. But yeah, i already got it. Plus shadoweave gets a pretty penny on the AH :)
Also geek moment, i was overly tickled when i got to meet the dragon aspects in dragonblight, esp Ysera for some reason.
The real evening went thusly.
(repeat my mantra....HAM....HAM)
Went to visit mom.
Took mom to grocery.
Cooked dinner for me and mom.
Helped friend in bad sitch.
Try to write.
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