Mar 14, 2006 21:13
I've been being emo to the tenth degree
its funny what hormones do to ya
this is the best i've felt in like 2 weeks
in large part .. to loads of self-searching, self-honesty, and realizations (hence the emo ness) followed by clarity (hence the happiness)
I'm not a kid anymore. those days are long behind me. And I'm not gonna be another person whos trying to milk being a kid for as long as possible
and whoa i didnt realized just how confused and lost i was for all this time... this past week and weekend.. i didnt go out expect friday which was to work.. and got my mind as clear as possible.. and I have done alot of things i've been needing to do for a few months now
tit's time to get serious
time to live
time to love
time to grow
time to be happy
time to be me