Nov 16, 2002 02:47
first, the correction:
freedom is servitude
mostly semantics, but if i tell the world something i should get as close to what i mean as possible.
repeating myself from a conversation a little bit earlier today (which was just merely repeating from thinking this week in my head)...there are all these people, but they are not any different than the concrete underfoot. yet, i know there are stories, and lives, and...people behind all those faces and i can't know them, help them, enjoy them the way i know how to enjoy people and it's like...augh!
large groups scare me. i cannot see the people. just faces. bodies, numbers. i cannot drink them in, so i die of thirst.
or if i know the large group, yet i go home...and it is just me there...and all the energy is lost. cannot anchor my self in the large group experience.
but small groups...lots of interaction, connection. and i go home. and my self is anchored.
the faces speak sadness, blank is sad, not happy. cannot convince my self otherwise.
because i hold on to those who trust me. with themselves. and more often, than not that has to do with sadness of some sort. or maps so in my head.
so vibrant, yet so dead.
and the concrete beneath my feet is dead. and the concrete on either side is dead. the sky tries to live, but only the concrete is holding it up. and the animals are cars and trucks.
hollow. give me people, not humans. not bodies.
there are a lot of dead people walking around.
and i fear cities house far too many such.