Yesterday I posted about how it takes five seconds for the sound from lightning to go a mile. Well, last night we had lightning strike about 500 feet from our house! The flash was incredibly bright, and the sound was something akin to the atmosphere tearing open.
Went for a run tonight, it went pretty well. I'm still having a bit of foot pain, but I think it will work itself out. 3 miles, 28 minutes... 9:19 pace. I'm pretty happy with that. Now all I need to do is sign up for that triathlon in two weeks!
I also paid some bills today and transferred some of my money to savings... yay for that. Perhaps I'll keep my hands off that money this time...
LJ Interests meme results
- being messy:
I may as well embrace my nature. My room is a total wreck right now... as usual. I am trying to change that, though - coen brothers:
Quite simply, they're brilliant. The Big Lebowski is probably my favorite movie, and Fargo is great. I guess you could say I celebrate the whole collection. - f1:
F1 racing. Not so much anymore, but you can't beat 200+ mph and 900hp. - groove armada:
If you haven't heard the album "Love Box", you have to. - jazz:
Charlie hunter trio. Dave Brubeck. Medeski Martin and Wood. Even if you don't like jazz, you'll like that. - money mark:
"The guy behind the guy" for some bands like the beastie boys... his album "Push the button" is brilliant. - quiet:
Mia: Don't you hate that?
Vincent: What?
Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?
Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.
Mia: That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence. - shiner:
Jeez, enough of the music ones already! Shiner is a great indie band I heard about from some guys I used to work with. Definitely another one to check out. - the big lebowski:
A little redundant here, see "the coen brothers" - tropical fish:
I just like the idea of having a whole ecosystem sitting right there on a table. It's not just fish in a bowl, it's all the other little animals that make the whole thing stay alive.
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