Oct 17, 2006 04:16
I will again try this endeavor called live journal. I've had many new and eye opening experiences that have me delving deeper into what I like, want, don't like, need, etc. I have come to terms with my sexual nature, and it is a breath of fresh air not to be constantly worried of what one my think and to listen to my heart instead. It pains me sometimes the fact that I have to be so self-conscious sometimes but the world is not an easy place to live in. I'd rather my day dreams where I find my true love and I don't have to worry about what he/she thinks. Seeing as I made my new found self realizations known I wonder if this will change the friendships I've made, or the people whom I met....will it give them a little voice in the back of their mind that I shouldn't say this around him anymore, or I should be weary about how I might touch him or visa verse. I'd hope with the depths of my heart that this is not the case for I cherish my friendships and would never try to purposefully harm them. I guess only time will tell as I stumble down a new direction I'm taking in life. I must say I can't wait!!!!