Dec 05, 2005 02:31
You know I have to be better with updating my lj. So lets recap the last month or so. I just ended a signifacant relationship, where I know, not I think that I have found my soul mate. I have been in a up and down battle with life. I think I am depressed more than I am happy for the most part. I have done alot of soul searching and have come to the conclusion that I need to be loved more than just friends because thats not a love that can be intimate. I long for that feeling that I used to get from my mom. Don't get me wrong No, and I mean NO person alive could replace her, but what I am serching for is something to fill that void up a little. It's hard to say right now how, but I have a real good idea what I want it to be.
The roommies are kewl, but I feel sometimes I am alienated from them at times. Like the hypothesis that I came up with. I believe that my roommates never come in here to see me at all. They only come to see my roommate rob. The only time they might ever talk to me when I am in the room is to either borrow my guitar, or borrow something from me, or use my printer or to ask where rob is. My roommate rob agrees with me on this. I don't what to say about that, it's just really wierd and depressing that they can never come in here to have small chat or just to say whats up, I feel like sometimes I don't exist in this room unless rob is here.
On a brighter note, I am back in the game of love and trying my hand in that game of life and hopefully I get that Royal Straight!!!! Pray for me!!!