Dec 11, 2004 14:03
Wow. It's been awhile since I've written in here. Things have been busy on my end of things, and with the holidays coming up soon, they are even more soon. I can't wait to go home for Christmas in DC. It is my thing to do every year. Right now though, I've been busy working on my second album. I had some studio time in Los Angeles, but I've also gone across the Atlantic to record some there with one of Madonna's producers. Spent some time in London. Caught a couple of shows, and royally embarrassed myself by attending an after show party for Phantom of the Opera a bit underdressed. There I was surrounded by a bunch of people all dressed up, guys wearing suits, and I was just there casual. If I known it was more of a fancy thing, I would not have gone, but once I was there it was too late.
Things have been so busy on my end, and I know things are pretty hectic with AJ too, so we haven't been able to talk much. Seems we are playing this never-ending game of phone tag. I'm really excited about the holidays coming up. It'll be nice to be around the family again. I can't really wait.