Was listening to "Axis: Bold As Love" in the car the other day -- probably at least ten years since that CD came out -- and realized that Jimi Hendrix just doesn't do anything for me. Love the first album and tried to follow up like a good boy, but that's about all I need.
I'm in early these days. Pretty much this whole year I come in no later than 7, 7:30. It's nice not having to blitz right in to an 8am meeting I'm not ready for. Unfortunately the end of my days still tends to be 5 or 6.
I'm on a new diet entitled "Don't Eat Shitty Food". Which is more of a change than I would have wanted to admit. Down about eight, nine pounds so far. Need to add exercise to it; wouldn't THAT be novel?
Dim ghosts of new songs are flitting around the edges of my mediocre talent. I DAMN hope so since I'm paying out the ass for this studio I ain't usin'...