Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
How old were you? 15
What was your outlook on the world? That it was good and that I should live it up
How were you doing at school/your job? good
What did you most look forward to? My birthday
Did you make New Year's Resolutions? yes
What was your biggest worry? failing my exams abd going crazy
Who was your best friend? Charne and Taren
What did you do with your spare time? I didn't have any! I was either at school, home, working, at church or youth,... Or hanging with my friends
What did you do for fun? spent time with my friends
In the middle of 2005-- the winter!
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
Had your outlook on the world changed? um it was beginning to get bad
What did you spend your winter doing? being cold. Going to church. spending time with Te Wai in hospital before he died
Did you get tan? no it was winter
Who'd you hang out with, mainly? um my friends... actually Te Wai at the hospital or Melissa or Sacha after morning church
Did you go visit anywhere? The Cook Island Church for my best mates tangi... does that count?
What was your biggest worry? that I was going to lose my best friend to cancer
What was the most fun event that happened? Um hanging out at Tina's probably
And as the year drawns to an end...
Still got a significant other? no
How old are you? 16
What major changes have happened since the year began? I have buried one of my best friends, I might be moving to Fiji, Nana Judy died, oh and my Dad has sent me bouncing cheques... wait thats not a change!
Is your life any different from when it started this year? yes. I am not to God obsessed, I'm learning who I am, I am down a Nana and a best friend
What thing that happened stands out in your mind? Te Wai dying
How have you changed? I have grown, I have learnt heaps... haven't I answered that?
What was the most embarrassing moment? I don't really know? maybe admitting my Dad loves me enough to send me bouncing cheques
When was your lowest point? Te Wai dying
Are you happy with how the year went? it could've been alot better
What thing would you change if you could? quite a few things.... I'd definitely bring back Te Wai and Nana Judy
For 2006...
What do you plan to not do that you did this year? Be such a bitch to my step-dad
Do you think it'll be better than this year? It better be!! I hope so
Do you think it'll be WORSE than this year? I really hope not.. Or I'll have to take shares in Kleenex!
What do you plan to do next year? Go to Fiji for six months maybe? pass NCEA, love my friends... Sort my head out!
What are your pre-New Year's resolutions? decide about next year!
Who are you spending New Year's Eve with? my family... Tina, a bottle of alcohol!
And to wrap it up..
What one thing would you like to say as the year is almost done? Thank God 2005 is OVER!!