
May 30, 2006 05:14

So, Life has been going well recently you might say. I got a new laptop today, its an HP Special Edition (hot!). Theres a link with pictures of it below for those interested (you better be!).

So, just when I was about to give up on finding a boy, I found one that I didnt even consider before for various reasons. But I found his myspace, sent him a message because I felt bad for how I treated him previousley when we met, and he told me to IM him so I did. We talked, and point is... we both like each other, which is weird, but I am glad, because hes wonderful and perfect in my eyes. He promises we will hang out this week, since we have only hung out once before way back in January (sad, right?). He's very sweet, nice, understanding, compassionate, fun, cute, adorable... and overall amazing! Anyway, I'm very excited about it, and hope it works out with him because he seems like a real keeper to me and others who I've told.

I am loving my job at Best Buy. It really is going well, and I love the people I work with. They're all so nice and friendly. I get to do what I love (Computers), get to be with amazing people, get even more experience, and get paid for it! I always look forward to going to work, and I think that's a good thing.

I missed going to the Drag Show on Sunday night because I had to work, came home, and fell asleep. I am definately going this upcoming Sunday, so if anyone wants to come, you're invited. If you've never been before, trust me, its an experience and worth your time.

I am still working on, trying to get more pictures uploaded before the links are available on it. Expect to have recent pictures on there within the upcoming week or so (because I know a lot of you want to see the pictures).

On another note, my Razr broke (2nd time, same problem), and it had all my numbers stored in it. MK was kind enough to let me borrow hers, with my hope being I could restore my numbers to her phone, but I couldn't. I'm going to have to send it off again I guess, but I'll get a new one once I pay for my 1/2 of the laptop (my parents made me pay for 1/2). So if you call and I dont know who you are, its because im on a different phone, with not many people's numbers and no ones voices sound the same on it so don't get mad at me.

I'm going to go clean my room and such, then Marie and I are going to go to Waffle House and then Joe Muggs... then Best Buy to exchange my laptop (for the same one).

I love you all, very very much. I feel like I don't say that enough. I love you ALL, so much. Without you, I would not be who I am today.

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