Jul 11, 2005 22:21
Today's horoscope.....You might feel as if you've expressed your needs clearly, but this doesn't mean that others will actually understand. If you are writing it in an email, by the time you are finished, there may not be much of a resemblance to your initial intent. Even if you do tell it like it is, you still may be misconstrued. It's not a hopeless situation, but it may be better to write a poem today and save the specific requests for a few days.....Hmmmm very true....I did voice a concern today sooo hmmmm...
Well its monday...it was boring I car shopped I know what I want but it's actually getting the funds to make the purchase thats the hard part....hmmmm in due time I guess!
Yesterday...work, boredom at home...
Saturday....day off, did nothing..
Friday....work, I preached to Christie...out of none other than the reader's digest bible...fun times! Found a virgin mary key chain, felt it fitting for the day, attached it to my keychain at work!
Thursday, Thursday's a little blurry!
Wed.....work...out with Jill and Mia!! Soooo much fun! Holy crap, well first I got picked up with the impression that Mia sought a Hot Hat...so we went to target no less and shopped no hat was purchased but Jill got plates n stuff for her apartment in Durham! Mia made orgasmic noises felt the need to ask personal questions and she has the ability to make anyone feel uncomfortable in a funny way! The quote of the night was def. Mia's pick up line...."Service my clitoris!" Fun times that night...
Tuesday...work???? Yeah work!
Monday.....work...noticing a trend.....
Sunday...Family BBQ at my house....my sister and I went to the Liquor store, what a beautiful place that is!!! They so didn't card us I was sad!
Currently I have some dye in my hair...Hamssa picked it out for me hopefully it doesn't look like shit! It burns a little so I think I am about to go and wash it out now!
Sarah decided I am her Hannaford Boyfriend so the 2 of us will have a special dance at her wedding and we will pick out a song that plays on the Muzak at work, but only something we hear on Muzak!
Thats all for now,