In case you didnt notice that I'm an asshole before, this should help.

Dec 03, 2002 02:12

dwu, AKA Denny Wu, has made a point about elitism, particularly in AIM/Livejournals.
Now, I have almost without fail never cared who has access to things I have written, counting back I count a total of 3 friends-only posts, and that was to a targeted audience to whom the statements would not have made sense whatsoever. However, what Denny feels is the same that I feel. People who feel the need to block off every single post made to friends only are absolutely elitist. Now I'm not talking about the 'cyber celebrities' if you get what im saying, who have literally 150 people on LJ friends lists, thats cool and alright to limit that stuff, I mean its a huge audience.

Oh, a little prefacing here, if you feel unnerved reading, ask yourself this : "Do I do this too?", the answers might suprise you.

However when a journal is friends-only, and there are a very limited number of people allowed to read this ridiculous is that? And on top of the friends only, when one requests to be able to read it and is summariliy denied, what is the functional use of a journal then? An audience of two is what email is for. To outside observers, its a tool of power being exerted. In this instance, its not me asking for access, because shit, if I'm to be included on something no fucking way am I going to beg for it, viva laissez faire. For me, my friends list is merely a quick way of reading people's journals who intrigue me.

AIM Blocking/Shielding.

hahaha, ok that is just the most juvenile thing I have ever seen, and I wish the functionality would be removed from the program. (Exception, I blocked Brian tonight so he'd do his fucking paper instead of talking on AIM, dont think it worked too well).
Blocking someone is essentially saying "I am too immature to either ignore someone or ask in a sociable fashion to stop conversing". And it amazes me to no end how frequently some people will use this 'feature'. I think blocking is a bug in the software, it really doesnt accomplish anything tangible that a logical human being could do.

I flirted around with enabling privacy shielding on my AIM name, but then took it off after realizing how elitist it looks, and that just isnt my personality to disallow access. I mean hell, thats the reason we all sign onto AIM isnt it? To make ourselves available in case someone wants to contact us?

Peace, Love, and the power of Castle Greyskull,

p.s. No I'm not a nice person.
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