Apr 05, 2005 18:45
yea so to start off i hurt my back on sat. and it hurts so much. but i got meds that are helping it but it still hurts. my roommate is like going to seriously going to have my foot print on her ass or my nuckles in her face either one... and same goes to HEATHER NEXT DOOR! could anyone be more moody and annoying yea she needs to GROW UP and act her own freakin age...oh wait SHE CANT!
other than that got the room to myself for the night and tomorrow since the roommate went to have sex and drink with her "boyfriend" in penn state! can we say STD central up there lol. :)
Sarah i miss you too!!
- did you ever have someone come into your life and thought they were this totally awesome person and then they end up not being that at all? if yes please explain.