This will be the death of me

Dec 04, 2006 14:13

I am sorry to be a downer but I am ridiculously stressed out right now.
This week I have to write three papers (by tomorrow and wednesday), three tests, have a conference with a teacher, write a page summary on community service I didn't have time to do, I hope I don't have a test in psych tomorrow, and I have to work over 20 hours this week. Which includes closing Today- Wed which makes doing any of this stuff rather challenging. Then next week is finals, and I was supposed to get Molly from the airport. My new motto is you do what you have to do, the only thing is I just hope I do. Oh yeah and my cd drive in my computer broke so I have to get that fixed...

I've started Christmas shopping Oy. I love Christmas though. I want to decorate and get a tree so badly.

It's odd to have not moved and to have to make new friends because others moved away. I just don't like a lot of the people I go through the motions of seeing just to not be alone. Quite frankly even if I stopped hanging out with them I wouldn't be alone. I think I'd like that better.

I just don't know anymore.
blank is a good way to describe how I feel a lot these days. I care a lot less and things that would have made me cry for the most part don't.

I have been sending coffee to my brother and his troop, and they all wrote me thank you letters back saying how much they appreciated it and how much it really helped out and boosted their moral. That made me cry. [that was the exception.] Being in this situation you have no idea how helpless I feel whenever he's gone, it's just like you are sitting around waiting for news of any sort everyday. It's not a very fun feeling at all. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my brother. It was nice to feel involved in any way no matter how small. People don't really seem to understand, or understand how big of deal it is and how much it hurts because it hurts a whole hell of a lot.

I hate my job, but I'm too chicken to quit, there is also just something about quitting I just don't like.
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