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Mar 14, 2011 01:37

A music survey about YOUR Favorite bands

First, name your top 12 bands.
1.: Black Sabbath
2.: Cultura Tres
3.: Reciclaje
4.: Los Amigos Invisibles
5.: Veil of Maya
6.: Dimmu Borgir
7.: The Acacia Strain
8.: Taking Back Sunday
9.: As I Lay Dying
10.: Amon Amarth
11.: Death
12.: My Chemical Romance
Ok, now answer some questions about band number one:
How did you hear about this band?: I heard Paranoid on the radio
How long have you been listening to them?: Since I was 12, so about six years
Name one band member.: Tony Iommi
Does this band have a hot lead singer?: Ha ha, I don't think I'm exactly qualified to answer that question
How long have they been around?: Since the late 60s
Is this your favorite band?: Yeah
On to band numero DEUX!
Write some random lyrics by this band.: We're here 'cause you made us/We're here 'cause you missed us/We're here 'cause you need us/We're here 'cause we're just like you
Are they all girls? Or all guys? Or a mix?: All guys
Can you name each member of this band?: Alejandro Londono, Darrell Lacle, Juanma de Ferrari, David Abbink
What was the first song you heard from them?: Libertad
How many guitar players does this band have?: Two
What kind of music do they play?: Sludge metal
Band #3. HUZZAH!!
Do any of your friends like this band?: None of my friends know about them
Is this band mainstream or indie?: They're pretty well known in the South American punk scene
What are their lyrics usually about?: Politics
How many cds of theirs do you have?: 3
Have you ever seen them live?: No
Are they still together?: I believe so
Onward to band #4.
Do you have any merchendise from this band?: Just CDs, but I just ordered a shirt
Write some random lyrics by them.: Quiero desde mi ventana saltar hasta tu cama/Y que sin miedo y sin freno me entierres tu veneno
How many full-length albums have they put out?: 6
Why do you like this band?: Catchy, very, very catchy
Are they an older or more modern band?: Modern
Have they ever written a song you hate?: Not yet
Numbah FIVE
How many members do they have?: 4
What's your favorite album of theirs?: [id]
What was the first song you heard from them?: It' Not Safe To Swim Today
Are(were) they on an indie record label or a major?: Indie
Do they have a logo?: Yep, looks cool
Name two members.: Brandon Butler, Sam Applebaum
Band number SIX.
Write some random lyrics by them.: We, the prosperity of the future seal/Cloaked by the thunders of the north wind/Born to capture the essence of/The traits of our kind
How many albums of theirs do you own?: 9
Is this band well-known?: Amongst the metal community
How long have you been listening to them?: Since the 8th grade
Do you like their band name?: Yeah
Do you know anyone else who likes them?: A few people
Number 7. YAY!
Is the drummer hot?: Again, not qualified to answer that
Have they kept the same lineup through their whole career?: No
Is there an aesthetic aspect to this band?: Not in my opinion
Do they have videos on Mtv?: I wouldn't know, I don't watch MTV
Name a band member.: Vincent Bennett
What kind of music do they play?: Deathcore
Number 8.
Why do you like this band?: Good lyrics and the music is catchy
Are they better than, worse than, or equal to band #2?: Both are great bands, but for different reasons
When did they first form?: 1999
How old were you when you first got into them?: 13
How many band members are there?: 5
Do you own any of their merchendise?: Just CDs
Are they closer to hard rock, or pop rock?: closer to hard rock
Write some random lyrics.: Shadows are security/They have become the solace/Of my looking glass heart/In search for certainty/I no longer need control
How old is the lead singer?: 20s
Are they still together?: Yes
Do they swear a lot?: A little
Do they write serious lyrics?: Yeah
What record label are they on?: Metal Blade
When did they first form?: 1992
Was their latest album any good?: Haven't heard it yet, but I'm hoping it is
How many members are there?: 5
What's something distinctive about them?: Johan Hegg has a very distinct growling style
Which of their cds has the best artwork?: Twilight of the Thunder Gods
Number 11. You're getting closer to the end.
Name some lyrics. (this is the last time, I swear.): Lies feed your judgement of others/Behold how the blind lead each other/The philosopher/You know so much about nothing at all
What was their best album?: Individual Thought Patterns
Is the lead singer a guy or a chick?: Guy
Do they have any videos on Mtv?: .......No
What kind of music do they play?: Death metal
How long have you liked this band?: A little over two years
Number 12! ALMOST FINISHED....
Why do you like this band?: There's just something I like about them
Can you name each band member?: Gerard Way, Ray Toro, Mikey Way, Frank Iero
Do they still have their original lineup?: No
Is it likely you'll find their cds and merchendise at the mall?: Very likely
How long have they been around?: 2001
Are they lyrically talented?: I think they are
FINALLY, name you favorite songs by each band.
Band 1:: Children of the Grave
Band 2:: Libertad
Band 3:: Tomemos El Control
Band 4:: Dame Tu Color
Band 5:: Dark Passenger
Band 6:: Progenies of a Great Apocalypse
Band 7:: See You Next Tuesday
Band 8:: Miami
Band 9:: Confined
Band 10:: With Oden On Our Side
Band 11:: The Philosopher
Band 12:: Ghost of You

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