Dec 07, 2004 03:44
Name: Theresa Marie Goodwin (soon to be Theresa Marie Banzhaf....hmmmm i dunno ;/)
Born in: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Resides in: M-Town USA....well, more often than not, in beantown. and this summer, who knows...wherever john and i find a nice place for any ideas?
Good student?: I would say yes, but not a GREAT student, i like to slack ;)
Hair: Straight as a board and blondish
Shoe size: 8 - 9 it all depends on my feet's mood that day
Last time you..
Had a nightmare: I try to block it all out
Said "I love you" and meant it]: today A
te at McDonald's: HAVE YOU WATCHED SUPER SIZE ME?! EWWWWWWW and no, i didnt just watch it because Johns dad's in was truly informative
Dyed your hair: a month ago maybe
Brushed your hair: 5 min ago
Washed your hair: this mornin'
Cried: this weekend
Called someone: today
Smiled: I AM RIGHT NOW! who would have known?? ;)
Laughed: I do it so often, i wouldnt be able to tell you
Talked To Your ex: a couple of days ago
Do You...
Smoke?: maybe once every two months.....maybe more (only when i have been drinking and only malbro milds)
Do drugs?: hmmmm......not really
Have sex?: tee hee hee
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yup, John the bear, valentino, pooh bear, and snuggles the puppy
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: once in awhile
Play an instrument?: no.....i wish i could play the piano
Believe there is life on other planets?: HELLOOOOO! thats where half of my friends are friends are from!
Read the newspaper?: occasionally
Have any straight friends?: Yeap
Have any gay friends?: Yeap
Consider love a mistake?: NEVER. I believe that no matter how painful something may be, all bumps in the road help us get to our final destination. And something so great as love can never be a mistake.
Like the taste of alcohol?: i like frozen drinks and mixed SUCKS and anyone who says its good, is LYING
Believe in God?: yes
Pray?: not as much as i should
Go to church?: no
Have any secrets?: muahahahahha
Have any pets: A fish named Fenway....and a my dreams
Talk to strangers who instant message you: that hasnt happened to me really
Wear hats?: yeah....
Have any piercings?: ears
Have any tattoos?: maybe one day, when its not a trend so much and it has more meaning Hate yourself?: sometimes i hate the things i do and think, but not myself overall
Have an obsession?: lots of 'em
Have a secret crush?: no....
Collect anything?: all kinds of stuff.....i like little cutsie things.
Have a best friend?: I dont know anymore
Like your handwriting?: sometimes. my handwriting has moods
Have any bad habits?: hee hee hee....yeahhhhhh
Care about looks?: who doesnt?
Believe in witches?: Depends on what you mean by that
Believe in Satan?: yup
Believe in ghosts?: yup
1. Fallen for your best friend? well sorta....the man i fell for IS my best friend
2. Made out with JUST a friend? sure
3. Been rejected? who hasnt
4. Been in love? YEAH! :)
5. Been in lust? oooooh yeah!
6. Used someone: yeah, that sucks that i have to say that
AND 7 Would be....where?
8. Cheated on someone? nope
9. Been cheated on? yup
10. Been kissed? mmmmhmmmmm!
11. Done something you regret? yeah, who hasnt Who was the last person
12. You touched? sexually? John
13. You talked to? my rooooomie sarah, we are doing facials! :)
14. You hugged? Johanna, maybe?
15. You instant messaged? Dan
16. You kissed? JOhn
17. Made you cry? the whole keyboard thing.....
18. You yelled at? Melissa
19. You laughed with? Sarah....Fresh Prince is on....who can help it? Do you...
22. Color your hair? yup
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? fiance
26. Floss daily? every other, honestly.....ew...i need to work on that
27. Own a web cam? yes, but i dont think it works
28. Ever get off the damn computer? yeah
29. parlare italiano? nope, but i sure like to eat it!
30. Habla espanol? nopers
40. Considered a life of crime? hahahahaha.....
41. Considered being a hooker? AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
42. Considered being a pimp? i AM a pimp mo'fuckaas
43. Are you psycho? psycho like scary or psycho like crazy?
44. Split personalities? hahaha several
45. Schizophrenic? no
46. Obsessive? compulsive!
47. Obsessive compulsive? and aparently psychic too!
48. Panic? sometimes i get claustrophobic
49. Anxiety? naaaaaaaaah
50. Depressed? once in a while
51. Suicidal? nope
52. Obsessed with hate? who thinks up this shit?
53. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? ummmmm......weird
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? YES! OF COURSE! AHHHHHH! I AM HAVING A PSYCHOTIC BREAK MEH!
56. What would you be doing? having babies
57...helllooooo who made this damn thing?
58. What are you listening to? will smith
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? hee hee, u dont even wanna know
60. Chicken or fish? chicken
61. Do you have a favorite animal? PUPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Current Clothes: jammies
Current Mood: a little sleepy
Current Taste: i want chips
Current Hair: ponytail
Current Annoyance: immature drunks
Current Smell: this biorre facial mask...mmmmm
Current thing I ought to be doing: sleping
Current Desktop Picture: just some pretty colors all swirling...blues and purples Current Favorite Groups: groups of what?
Current Book: i dont have time to last one was the LSAT prep guide
Current Refreshment: natta
Current Worry: end of semester stresses...
FAVORITE Food: Burgers and home made mashed potatoes
Drink: water . . . .well actually ICE
Color: Purple
Shoes: NB sneaks....and just socks. i love my white cotton socks
Candy: hmm, thats a hard one.....i really like resses
TV Show: Real world and laguna....i know....but i am allowed one shameful show...and well, i have two, so bite me
Dance: slow dancin
Vegetable: baby carrots
Fruit: fresh golden pinneapple
Understanding: i would hope so A
rrogant: not really
Insecure: sure
Interesting: hahahahaha
Hungry: yeah, i WANT CHIPS!
Friendly: id like to think so
Smart: S-M-R-T....i mean SMART!
Moody: when i have been drinking
Independent: somewhat
Hard working: if i want it bad enough
Organized: i pride myself on it!
Healthy: ummmm, yeah.......riiiiiiiight
Emotionally Stable: yup
Shy: nope
Difficult: Sometimes
Attractive: i dunno. eye of beholder
Thirsty: i want some ice
Responsible: yes
Sad: not at the moment
Happy: YEAH! my face is all CLEAN
Trusting: TOOOOOOO trusting
Talkative: VERY
Original: I AM, there's no one else like me!
Different: see above
Unique: stop asking the same question
Lonely: not at the moment.
Nicknames: therese, tess, monkey butt, T, and many others including jackass
Birthday: 39-13-83
Siblings: one sis
Righty or lefty? righy
What's your sign? virgo
On Dating...
Long or short hair? CLEAN CUT
Tall or short? TALL
Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? funny
Dark or light eyes? light
Pierced or no? ummm, no-ish
Freckles or none? some are ok
Accent or American? either
On preferences...
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? hot...but only luke warm :)
McDonalds or Burger King? BK
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? friend....but im lucky, i have both Sweet or sour? Sweet
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? dr.pepper
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? comedy
Cats or dogs? dogs
Ocean or Pool? ocean
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? regular
Mud or Jell-O wrestling? mud
With or without ice-cubes? ice cubes, hold the drink!
Shine or rain? shine
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? spring
Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate
Snowboarding or skiing?NEITHER! I REFUSE!
Cake or cookies? mmmmmboth!
Cereal or toast? Toast
Gloves or mittens? mittens
Eyes open or closed? closed and breathing in deep
Fly or breathe under water? Fly
Bunk-bed or water bed? Water
Chewing gum or hard candy? both!
Motor boat or sailboat? SAILBOAT ALL THE WAY
Lights on or off? Off
What's your favorite: Number? 13
Radio station? kiss or mix or country
Place? beach or boston
Flower? yellow and magenta tulips