Jan 11, 2005 18:07
I got accepted to LSU Honors College yesterday. That was the last thing i needed to be absolutely sure im going to LSU. I got so excited i changed the background on my computer to tiger stadium, it looks great. I know its cheesy but what are ya gonna do. Its exam week. I had my hardest exam today in stat but i think i did pretty well on it. It was the only one i was worried about and i only have one test tomorrow and thursday so the hard part is over. Honestly, high school is basically over because im not doing shit next semester. all i have to do is pass my classes and i can do that no problem. the new motto is "im just tryin to hang out". and that is how i plan to live for the rest of this year anyway. Ill worry about working when i get to college. in sadder news, said some things to morgan yesterday that were pretty harsh, but she pissed me off and i felt justified at the time. Kinda wish i hadnt said them but that girl just grates me the wrong way sometimes. I never know with her, its like dealing with dr. jekyll and mr hyde, i guess i justhave to be in the right frame of mind to be able to deal with her. Sometimes she really amazes me and other times i just wanna slap her. But oh well. nothing is really gonna ruin my mood right now and Kallah is on friday!!!! im out