Feb 18, 2005 13:31
Haven't posted one of these in a while...
Kitchen status:
Applances: installed (not hooked up)
Cabinets: installed (doors not complete)
Floor: mostly done (needs thresholds and some tile work)
Electrical: mostly done, except power to the stove and dishwasher
Plumbing: not done.
Countertop: done.
Trim and other punch out items (ie. trash removal): not done
so tired of this charade.
Countertop was supposed to go in last friday - when I called to check on it I was informed they had just recieved the change order for it and would be looking at a tuesday or wednesday install.
*small explosion in my head*
Me- but I made the change order 3 weeks ago
Them- well, the paperwork didn't arrive to us until ... yesterday.
Me- but, I signed a waiver for the change.
Them- unfortunately, It just got to us, however, we can push it and see if we can get it any earlier.
Me- how much earlier.
Them- Tuesday
*bangs head against wall*
Me- fine, if it's a rush for tuesday and a regular schedule for wed. let's do wed.
Them- great, we'll do it then.
So I call Double A and cancel the Saturday punch-out (last saturday at this point) and reschedule for thursday.
countertop arrives on Wed, it installs, it's UP, IT'S GOOD!
the countertop looks great, and we're thrilled about this.
So I call thursday morning to confirm that there is a crew coming that day to finish out (fully expecting to get the 'oh, was that today?' schpeil.)
instead, they confirmed that a crew was scheduled to come out and finish up.
great, thanks, have a great day (this is a perk in the otherwise nightmare of the land of D double T).
I'm out of the house all day, Carrie is out all day & I don't hear anything all day.
'round 8 ran into Carrie, and was anticipating being at work for 3-4 more hours, so I asked if she could go home, look at the state of things and call to let me know b/c frankly I was getting anxious about it.
she went home.
she called me.
and it hit me hard enough to wipe me out for the rest of the night.
they didn't show up.
So I call, and I leave a fairly reasonable message on thier voicemail asking why after I had confirmed the crew coming out, that they did not, in fact show up and say that I'd like to hear from them around 8 the next morning.
So I called this morning around 8:45 and asked what happened. I get transferred from Melissa to Joe and Joe in a very round about way explains the following.
The crew was scheduled
He finished final pricing & sent it to Lowes.
Lowes never called me to tell me there was a new bill that needed to be paid before work could continue.
A 'hold' was placed on the call, that the receptionist cannot see.
they were very sorry for the confusion and they will have a crew out on Saturday.
despite how it seems in these posts, i've been fairly good natured and calm with everyone thru this.
I managed to keep an even voice and informed Joe, that no, Saturday doesn't work, I need it done today.
The crew just arrived... let's see how this goes.