JB's take on Naruto character designs...oh yeah, ART UPDATE!

May 27, 2007 14:48

Squee! hinata gets to pair up with Naruto in their latest mission in the Naruto manga. She's soo cuuuute! waii! My fangirl sense is tingling in excitement. Though I fear for Hinata's little heart since Naruto is indeed clueless and well, "young and stupid".

Ahem, okay! I'm only doing a partial art update, mostly because of this one viewer's comment...

"THEY ARE MY GAARA AND OUR DAUGHTER!!!!!( I am Gaaras wife , Sabaku no May ) =D =D =D =D fantastic work , favs!!! :love:"

*People like this scare JB, but she is too nice to let them know that...*

I'm SERIOUSLY dying to respond like that to them, but I'm too nice...or dignified, I dunno. Currently I'm debating on a harmless and grateful response to them. Though I think I'll just ignore them for now. XD;;; Here's the pic they were commenting on...

Kazekage's Pride and Joy was drawn on a whim some time ago. I just felt like drawing cute kids....and older Gaara. Though I don't think he looks old enough to be a dad....hm, not sure. But anways...yeah! A lot of folks like it and are debating on the kid's gender and mother, along with faving it, so I'm happy. ^^;; I haven't worked on coloring it in a while. I need to fix the coloring on their clothing and on the sky behind them. I'm sorta happy with the desert landscape I came up for it, but yeah, I want a pretty cloudy sky. ^^ *shakes fist at Gaara's face* it's giving me trouble though, but for the moment I'm leaving it as it is...


Gaahina/NejiTen Doujinshi Preview is kinda pixelly and small. I apologize ahead of time for these shabby sketches. They are clips of pages from several oneshots I have planned out on Oekaki Canvas, or in my head. ^^; Some will be angsty stories as shown by their expressions, I hope. And some are humor stories, such as the Naruto cornering Hinata (I swear its a funny scene!).

I'm hoping to use my semi-realistic style, but I think I need more practice differentiating my male characters. lol, Often times they look too similar and I hope to give each one distinguishing features.

For some reason I always draw Neji looking "cut and dry" if that makes any sense. I cant' seem to draw him looking "hot" or even "pretty". He's kinda dull in my opinion, but he does look older than the rest of them, which relieves me slightly. I think its his hair and big white eyes...

Gaara is becoming more and more easy for me, but some days I feel like I'm drawing an alien and not a boy...DAMN HIS LACK OF EYEBROWS!

Naruto...is hard to draw sometimes. I'm having trouble drawing him looking older. I'm so used to his cute boyish face, that if I draw him older, it just doesn't feel like it's Naruto. ^^;; oy, well I'm working on it. ^^;

On an semi-unrelated note...I gotta say that out of all the Naruto boys...I like drawing Sai the best. LOL, I haven't had the need to draw him looking that much older, but he's got a very simple and clean face that I don't think it'll be a problem. He really does have a beautiful face. Of course it could be that he's easy to draw because his expressions are nonexistant...and his hair is easy too. Sasuke's Chicken butt hair makes me want to hurt him more. Fortunately I don't need to draw him much in my one-shots.

As for the girls, Tenten's fun to draw. I like to draw her looking either very pretty or very cute. If there's a word for her look, it'd be "playful". I read somewhere that out of all his female girl characters, Tenten is Kishimoto's preferred type. And looking up on earlier volumes, he does draw her with this sorta "prettyness" that the anime sometimes gets, but most of the time overlooks. I think she's somewhat of a girly girl, despite being the only girl not to chase after a boy. Of all the young girls, she's the only one Kishimoto draws wearing lipstick and getting sorta dressed up. *points to her Chinese dress during Neji's fight with Naruto in chunin exam*. Not even Sakura dresses up anywhere in the series.

Sakura was the prettiest in her grade (according to Naruto's opinion), but maybe Tenten was the prettiest in her grade? Team Gai seems to be the Chinese archetype in most Shonen manga. You always get some chinese or chinese-influenced rival in a lot of manga. In Shaman King, it's Ren Tao (who I adore) and in Rurouni Kenshin, it's Enishi who comes with Chinese martial arts, for example...

So, if Neji is to Sasuke, the year's top rookie, and Lee is to Naruto, overlooked/deadlast who becomes uber powerful, then Tenten is to Sakura, the bright girl who mediates between them. Sakura was the top of her class with females, so I'm guessing Tenten was too.

Anyways, here concludes my defense for drawing Tenten as a very pretty girl. So while Sakura's a "Light" beauty, I see Tenten as being an "Earthy" beauty. I wonder what nickname Sai would give Tenten...XD *remembers a fanfic about this...he calls her "Buns" but not for the reasons you're thinking...*

Hinata...yeah, she reminds me of...a bunny. XD;; Cute and creepy. (cuz, yes, JB is somewhat creeped out by rabbits. Especially those with red eyes...) She's super cute in personality, but she's got the misfortune (or fortune depending on whose looking) of being born with creepy features. White eyes, super pale skin, and thick dark shiny hair. The Yuki Onna look. XD; In a way she's Gaara's female counterpart as far as looks go. LOL, they're both kinda freaky/creepy looking. *recalls a fanart of punky Gaara and punky Hinata kneeling down in an alleyway titled "Freaks"*

Still, I have to draw Hinata as a Cute yet haunting beauty, cuz I'm a stubborn Hinata fan that way. X3

Curiosity is colored lineart I drew a long time ago as well. ^^; Currently, I've also dropped this one until I'm done with my RK works. Features Gaara and Hinata. I'm changing the title once I color it. XD I tried once again to draw Hinata and Gaara in my style, but I think I failed with hinata... I hope they are still somewhat recognizable...Gaara's pose killed me. I wish I had used a reference pic when I started to draw it. Would've saved me a lot of time. ^^;

JB's Photoshop Update shows my progress from last month. Here I have several RK pictures that I never got done, some as old as 4 years that I abandoned, but picked up again in recent months. The oldest on there is the Enishi vs Aoshi pic with Misao in the middle. I drew that about four years ago I think. maybe more...Misao and the lack of a background are preventing me from finishing it.

There's also the Yamazaki Susumu with Red Riding Misao pic which is second oldest, but I really liked the soft coloring style here, that I felt I should finish it. Currently, the forest ground needs to be colored, otherwise, I'd say the pic is done...

The Zutara pic has a few features that need to be finished, but I'm going to finish the RK works first (not to mention JB's being lazy...).

I worked some more on Taichi-chan's art trade pic. Finally got some sorta background drawn on there. But I suspect I wont' be finished with that pic this summer I'm afraid. ^^;; (bg's rather complicated...) I'm sorry T-chan! ;; I will give you a preview of it once the BG's drawing is completed...


I've got more stuff, but I've rambled on long enough. Hope ya guys enjoy. *goes off to take an afternoon nap before meeting with Jes to buy groceries...*

characters, naruto, fandom, fanart, art update, art, drawings

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