Out of Wedlock Births in the US climb to an all-time high So, in conclusion, "marriage" is outdated in today's society, hm.
(And yet gay people still want "marriage")
*Comes to mind what someone said about hets throwing marriage away only for gays to go pick it out of the trash...*
No no, she didn't mean it that way. Honestly. Said person was just wondering why the hell anyone would want to be part of the crazy institution known as marraige. (no, it wasn't one of THOSE talks either...)
((But seriously cannot understand why ANYONE would want to get married in today's generation...))
We're so frickin' selfish. Commitment's sounds more like a cage than a promise to my generation. God forbid we compromise and put up with eachother's shit. Oh noes! You didn't put the toilet paper in right!
(yeah...JB's not getting married anytime soon).
But I won't have kids either. That's just too much paperwork! And why the heck would I want to bring a new life into this world only to make it suffer. Please, I feel sorry enough for our generation's kids. For real. I refuse to add to the tragedy.
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On the bright side...teen births are decreasing. Yay! That's a good thing. Babies really shouldn't have babies.