*pointing finger in shock*
You turned people against me! You tarnished my good name!
I lost credibility and friends because of you!!!
I can't believe I ever respected you. omigod...I...wow.
ah ha ha, I thought you did all that because you really believed in it.
People can be wrong, yes. I can understand that. But wow...now I know you did it knowingly for other reasons.
ah ha ha ha!
I should've brought WWIII on you. I shouldn't have kept quiet. I shouldn't have ignored you thinking you were overreacting and being a control freak.
No, you were just being HATEFUL!!
What the hell? I can't believe I ever trusted you. O_o;
NO! Just cuz you're older than me doesn't mean you're always going to be right! I'm sorry, but it doesn't always work out that way. I can be wrong too! Just as you can be wrong!
But at least I'm not wrong about this. I know the truth. X3
Seriously, what the hell?! What have you done?? How could you be so careless? You went too far, dude. Over something like that, it wasn't worth it. Really, it just wasn't worth it.
Yeah, Karma's a bitch. And from what I've found out, your actions bore fruit already. Good job. Your accomplices are next.
the balance in the world rights itself again. I can take comfort in that bad situations don't last forever. Aside from knowing that I'm never going to do what you've done to me. No, I hope to never fall so low. Cuz that was lame. It really was. I suggest therapy for your power issues. I believe it would do you good.
But ya know. It's okay, cuz I learned who were true friends and who weren't. And no one was. I appreciate the knowledge. ^_~ It showed that people who I took for intelligent reasonable people were in reality nothing more than sheep. They believed everything they were told. They never thought to ask me for my side of the story. Didn't think I was worth it. Thanks guys. ;) Cuz yeah, NO ONE EVER ASKED ME. Maybe one friend did and I appreciate it, girl. But no, no one did. And I still get those people commenting on my pictures like nothing ever happened. Hm, so my pictures are worth your attention, but I'm wasn't? Ah, gotta love people.
If people had asked, they would have been surprised by my evidence. Cuz yes, I did have proof that things were not as everyone thought. I made a mistake, yeah I did. But it was unintentional. I had done this practice before, but no one called me out on it so how did I know it was wrong?
Person says,
Didn't you read the rules? 'Uh, yeah. Oh that line! That's referring to this isn't it?' 'Well yeah, that too, but it actually refers to this other thing.' 'Oh. Ohhhh...oops. Didn't think that was it...but I did this before!! No one said anything to me! Why am I getting bashed on now? O_o;'
People make mistakes. Misundertandings do occur. So what do you do? You fix them. No problem. End of story, move along.
So why on earth are people getting punished for making mistakes? No, no no, Chill out my dears. And calling my mistake something that was done on purpose with malicious intent?? What the hell?? Did you hate me that much ya gotta accuse me of shit? So we don't agree on everything. That's fine with me. Why is it such a problem for you that you have to make accusations and try to punish me as a result? I'm not your daughter that needs disciplining, okay? I made a mistake, I'm sorry, I'll fix it. Why wouldn't you let me fix it? When I tried to, I couldn't. Why? Cuz you were making plans to screw me over even further! Next thing I know, you fucked me over with people. Told them I was harrasing others. Who the hell was I harrassing??? Do I look like I have the time to be doing such things when I got so much crap going on in life keeping me busy? Why would I feel the need to abuse others?? Get real!
No, its all cuz we were showing our disagreement over things that you and your fellows were doing. That's all. We shared a different opinion, so what? You liked some things, we liked other things. So what? What did it matter? In the end you all win, so who cares? No. You couldn't stand people disagreeing with you on ANYTHING. You would pretend to listen to diffferent opinions, but in reality you didn't care. You already set your mind. And that's fine, but don't pretend to care!! That's misleading!
Man, did you mislead me. XD Ha ha ha, so funny.
Oh well I forgive you, only cuz I know karma bit you already and you suffered cuz of it. No need to add my ire to that (not that I do anything to you anyways since I've cut off contact with you all ever since the incident). *shrugs* Just know that I know the truth now and you're not fooling me again. :)
Should you try to, I won't stay quiet this time. ^_~ And you're just gonna have to face the consequences sooner than later. :) Psst! This goes out to all your ex-friends too. ^_~ If they try anything on Deviantart against me, they will see exactly what happens when you kick a dog too many times. ^_^ It's not pretty.
*JB then prances off to bed after a long week of assignments, research, and paperwork* XD Sleep! Finally! Thank God almighty for SLEEP! XD I'm finally getting some! *dies* oh that line can be misconstrued* XD
P.S. To be honest, I already knew this was it, but to find out they actually admitted it, LOL, too funny. Confirmation, baby. Gotta love it.