Nov 15, 2004 15:20
i was just informed by dan morris himself that today is, in fact, Dan Day. oh joy. he is definitely the coolest kid ever and is the truest friend i shall ever know. i am so blessed by his presence in band almost every day in last period. he sits next to me. he allllways makes me feel better by just being dan-ish. heh danish. man those things are good. anyway if im sad and trying to keep the self pity going, it always ends because dan is there playing offkey and being once again, awesome. ahhh what would i do in this life without him? exactly. strange how this sort of journal-y thing can be addicting. hmm. probably subliminal messages hidden in the smiley faces. SMOKE. ha. family guy is awesome. my english teacher is one strange man. he somehow comes in every day wearing slightly matching sweaters and khakis. normal teachers cant match, everyone knows that. except mr. kocher. but.. yeah im not even going to go there. mr. kocher gave us a fucking lesson about matching socks with pants and shoes or whatever. anyway all during the day my english teacher tells us strange aphorisms *2 point vocab word* about Stephen King and how we should all write like him. for example: whenever using dialogue or describing a conversation, always ALWAYS ALLLLWAAAAYS use the words "said, say, or says". also, we should never EVER use adverbs. double you tee fucking eff mate. then he forces us to read lord of the flies (who is by the way a pig head on a stick), written by william golding, who uses more adverbs than i have ever seen in anything, ever. forever. also, my math teacher (who is a very nice lady, dont get me wrong) has started a new hair trend that i cannot seem to contemplate in my small little curly head. someone out there please help me. SMOKE. wow this little typing-what-i-think thing is actually very liberating. holy ass. a whole new world is the greatest song ever created by man. and/ or wo-man (for all you feminists out there). come to think of it, aladdin is such an amazing movie i have trouble grasping its greatness. aladdin is so fucking hot with his balloon pant bulge thing who knows WHATS going on there... and jasmine is so awesome with her turquoise wonderness.. i was her for halloween when i was three i think. gosh, hopefully i soaked up some of that wonderness. haha. holy ass. i would really like to see that one day. a holy ass. haha. its like a glowing ass suspended in all its glory. that would really be a sight. well i should probably go corrrect my english essay which was by the way awesome before mr. castle (really thats his name) mutilated it. it was about how my dog killed my hampster in elememtary school. i know cool, right? well yeah not anymore. now its all de-adverbed and said-ized. yeah well psshhh. well au revoir, mes cheres. it really was a pleasure.