as lovers go.

Apr 21, 2008 10:34

the past few days i have been thinking, what our limitations are as people, what our breaking points are and the points we have to reach before we give up. like, are there really any points we have to get to before we call it quits on anything? I thought I knew what my limitations were but maybe not anymore.

this is all very vague and stuff, but i guess what i'm getting at is if you really believe in something then you do whatever you can to see it through. and for me, the thing i believe in most is love. i have to believe that love can overcome whatever or i'm going to be extremely depressed with life. i haven't had faith in anything but i think the one thing i do really believe in is that love can pull you out of anything. it can put you through alot but ultimately the end is worth the means. and i thought i was in love once but i got so weary from that relationship i ended up just letting it go. so maybe, i was a bit too young and naive to be in love. not saying im any genious when it comes to this stuff but i think i have finally figured it out. love is on going, no matter what. as long as both people love eachother and don't forget that, then no matter what happens i think things will be okay.

on our way back from vegas, my buddy will was talking about how tired he is of being single and hooking up with random girls. and he wants to settle down with a girl he really likes. and i just kept thinking how happy and lucky i am to have found someone i wouldn't trade for anything andd love beyond anything i have ever thought that i could ever obtain. definitely on our good days and even on bad days, i think i have figured out what real love is supposed to be. you never ever want to quit on that person. even when you're frustrated or mad or whatever, you just don't want to ever stop or quit. you can have the worst blow out fight ever and all you really are concerned about is if they are okay. i think i have figured this out, and maybe im lucky to have figured this out at a young age because i think alot of people are still trying to figure out what love really is. it's not about being there for the good days and saying F-off during hard times. it's all the time. everyday. and never ever wanting to give up on it.

i know i never can give up.

i love you.
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