Two things

Apr 12, 2013 11:20

1. The African Grey update:
I talked to Quin, and we sorted out issues and concerns. Since then, I think she's actually starting to get excited (if a little cautious) at the thought. She really liked Bobby, so that helps, and I sent her some info and a video of a talking TAG (Timneh African Grey), so that was fun!

The same night I last posted, I also sent the following prayer that night:
Universe, if this is a good time, please let things happen easily, without me pushing it through. If it isn't the right time, please block my every move without harming any living creatures.
The next day I got up and checked out the half-dozen aviaries I'd found online. None had eggs. Two of them sent me to one or two more aviaries apiece. None of THEM had eggs. Most of them weren't even breeding TAGs this year/any more.

Feeling a little like, "Well, I guess that's my answer," I tried one last place. My first choice, in fact, for birds -- but their TAGs don't seem to have bred at all last year, and maybe not the year before. So you can imagine my surprise when I posted, "Hey, any chance of TAGs this year?" on their Facebook page and was answered with, "We think she might be sitting on eggs now, but she's keeping so close we can't tell for sure!"

I figure this is my answer: if she's sitting on eggs, a baby for me! If not, I'll bide my time and wait. In the meantime, I bought two books on Greys (one a book that comes highly recommended for owners who already know a goodly amount about birds, nutrition, behavior, etc and one that's about Irene Pepperberg's work with African Greys) and I'm setting aside money. When I'm sure there's a baby, I'll start buying toys here and there.

2. Lily

Lily is at the vet for x-rays today. >.< The outcome of these will also determine whether or not I'm getting a TAG, since if it's something really expensive or a major problem, that might put a kink in my plans.

I had such anxiety dropping her off. I mean, it's just sedation and x-rays: no surgery or anything. But MAN, I was a mess. My vet is awesome, though, and said that they'll try to send her home with me early, which would make me feel better, at least! I also bought them a bunch of coffee (hopefully enough for everyone) and half and half, so they love me. It always helps to make sure the people taking care of your loved ones love you extra!

I'm hoping the x-rays will come back saying she needs chiropractic work, an anti-inflammatory, and then we're good to go. It would also explain so much of her stiffness, lately. AND the vet said she'd do an extra test for Lily's hips that you can't do when the dogs are awake, to see how bad the dysplasia is.

The other hope is that it's just soft tissue damage, and rest will take care of it. (I find it likely there are back troubles, given her stiffness and the funny way her back rounds, which I'd thought was in the range of normal dog things but turns out isn't.)

I have stuff to get done today, but I've managed none of it. Too busy fretting, even though there's nothing I can do. I wanted to exercise, write the Leverage gift fic, go to the bank, do my bills, and maybe even do some editing. So far, I've played on the Internet. >.>

Oh, man. She'll be okay. It's just x-rays! *sighs* 4:30 can't come soon enough.


birds, dogs, lily

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