Here is what's on the front burner for writing:
White collar cliche: Neal gets drugged. OMG! Flail! There are tears that WILL MAKE SENSE, DAMN IT.
Leverage cliche #1: Parker gets sick, Elliot nearly gets guillotined. (Okay, that last isn't a cliche. It's mine.)
Leverage cliche #2: Elliot gets captured! Much whumpage and rescuing ensues. Also a ballistic stapler. Possibly.
Avengers cliche: Natasha. Clint. Budapest. (This might end up being several stories...)
Avengers fic: How the hell do you get five people to live in one building in a world that's more like ours than the comics, where it's not normal for five people to do that, and furthermore where those people are highly independant? AKA ahahahaha, something's wrong with Clint's brain and Cap's friends all just DIED (in his opinion, anyway) and they might both have PTSD from different traumatic experiences. Or maybe that's another story. (This one I've started and re-started about three times now...) (Possible slash.)
Avengers... bits: Scenes. They won't leave me alone. Fuckit, I'll write 'em down and let everyone else sort 'em out.
Original work:
1. the
Dragon Series. It needs to be finished. It's sooooo close.
2. The fantasy novel, which I refer to as the Dekai novel and Quin refers to as the Daemon book.
3. the Bourne Legacy: Redux JB-style, which obviously needs a new title. I've possibly already been coming up with my own version of how the hell something like that would happen. I've come up with three. Only one might be feasible, but it's only been a day, gimme a break here.
The plan for finishing said things:
First, I'm going to finish the Dragon series. It should only take another one or two full writing days, but god only knows when I'll have those. Hopefully later this week, but I will be in GA, so it's anyone's guess.
Once that's done, I'm going to write ALL THE FANFIC. I'm guessing a couple of weeks.
Once I've done that, I'll have to decide between the fantasy novel and Legacy: JB-style. I'm not sure which. It'll depend on my mood. (I ought to finish the fantasy novel, as I know I'll kill myself later if it's STILL NOT DONE -- I swear, this feels like the least productive year in several years -- but if I'm still obsessing, I'll use the obsession.)